Returns Policy

Please note that the return period is strictly 14 days from the date of receipt of your order.


Sometimes for various reasons that are out of our control you may receive goods that are damaged or faulty.

If you receive your order in a damaged state, send us an email with a photo and brief description. We will require the faulty goods returned. Faults must be reported within 10 days of receiving the product. We will arrange a courier pick up and cover shipping costs in this case. If you open the product, you will not be eligible for a refund. We will send the correct item as soon as we have received the damaged/faulty product back.


If we have sent the incorrect product, please do not open it. Return it to us so that we can exchange it. We will arrange a courier pick up in this case. If you open the product, you will not be eligible for a refund.


We have complete confidence in the quality of our products and firmly believe that you will be more than delighted with your purchase. That's why we offer you an amazing 90-day money-back guarantee. So, if you aren’t happy with your purchase, no need to worry, simply send us an email at and we'll take care of everything for you. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we'll ensure that you're a happy customer!

Please note: Fur Babies does not cover return postage costs for returns.