The specific reasons why your pet might need a supplement depend on a variety of factors, including their age, breed, diet and overall health.

In general, pet supplements can help to provide additional nutrients or address specific health concerns that may not be fully addressed by their regular diet alone – a little like us humans!  For example if your pet has joint, digestions issues, or skin troubles, supplements like ours can help.

The time it takes to see results will also vary and again depends on a number of things, including the type of supplement, the specific health condition being addressed and the individual pet’s health status.

In some cases, you may see results relatively quickly, such as within a few days or weeks.  For example, our Joint Ease which supports mobility you’ll start to see results after a few weeks.  In other cases, it may take longer to see results, for example our Defend supplement for immunity can often take several weeks or even months to see noticeable improvements.

At the moment we are New Zealand only but very shortly will be opening up other regions for supply, please be sure to sign up to our newsletters so we can let you know when this will be - but watch this space it won’t be far!

Our team has spent two years formulating the product and selecting ingredients that have science behind them to ensure they are safe and that they work. We also selected a manufacturing partner in Italy who has pharmaceutical grade facilities.  Additionally we’ve worked through a very rigorous process managed by our local government through their ACVM team (Agriculture Compounds & Veterinary Medicines) team and have their approval for sale in New Zealand so it has passed some very high safety hurdles.

The unique soft chewable compression technology isn’t available in New Zealand yet and the manufacturer in Italy manufacturers to a pharmaceutical grade.

Yes, in fact the formulations have been designed to support specific health conditions.  Because this is not a food or a treat, there are negligible calories/energy in the supplement so won’t impact your pet if they are on a controlled intake diet. These supplements are also grain free!

You can store these supplements in the same place you store your own dietary supplements, in a cool dry place generally is just fine.

You can give these to your fur baby just like you do a treat, hold your hand out, put it in their bowl or put on top of their usual food

We know that our fur babies can sometimes be picky eaters and we’ve done palatability tests on the products, 100% of dogs proactively chose to eat the table and 95% of cats did too!  If for any reason, this isn’t the case for you and your pet doesn’t consistently eat the chewable tablet, we’d love to hear from you and offer a refund on the product.